In the Basement

Everyday life/Hobbies, Austria/Germany 2014

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People and their cellars are a very special duet. What people do in their cellars and in their free time is the subject of Ulrich Seidl's new film. Whether underground, hidden behind heavy doors or moved by steep staircases into an everyday beyond - in cellars lurk and store obsessions, brass music and opera arias, expensive furniture and cheap men's jokes. Ulrich Seidl tells stories as tragic as they are comical, of sexuality and shooting, fitness and fascism, whipping and dolls. After his large-scale PARADISE trilogy, Ulrich Seidl returns to the documentary form with IN THE BASEMENT and takes us on a terribly entertaining night sea ride through the basement of living room souls.
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Ulrich Seidl

Sound Design:

Ekkehart Baumung


Ulrich Seidl

Original title:

Im Keller

Original language:



1.85:1 HD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 18 years

Age rating:

FSK 16

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